Consulting Services Offered

Enabling people to be more effective communicators internationally by leveraging opportunities to engage with global audiences while avoiding own-goals (easy missteps).

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Trainings & Workshops

Through my Signature SPORT Method, I make people in the global sports industry more effective communicators internationally by amplifying their athlete/organization’s unique value-add, often tapping into the power of sports diplomacy, while avoiding own-goals. Learn more.

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Strategic Communications

Create or fine-tune your strategic communications approaches to better develop your/your organization’s voice, amplify your message(s), and relay knowledge to a range of audiences, from ambassadors and athletes to the public and the press.

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Improve the way you/your organization tells and conveys your story to the world by identifying key story arcs and themes, devising creative narratives, and knitting complex ideas into compelling content for different mediums/platforms.

Team and Organization Histories

Institutional and Team Histories are vital components for preserving knowledge, documenting decision-making and eras of change, informing decision makers, fostering internal team unity, and serve as a basis for internal and executive communications and external storytelling.

Oral History and Legacy Projects

Oral Histories and Legacy Projects are important ways to write a team or organization’s role into the historical public record in ways unmatched by mere press coverage, capture and unleash multimedia storytelling, and empower fans, clients, and consumers to better interact with and learn from interest-specific angles.

Seen in I By IMD

Read the December 2022 article on the value of institutional (and family/team) histories for any organization, no matter the history.